
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Captain Gaga, B&W Teasers


I've been working with the "big" Captain Gaga for couple of evenings now. I thought to share some black & white "teasers" to proof that this project is far from the dead ;) ...

Still need to fix couple of minor things (feather, corset's freehand etc.). After that, I'm off to start building her base, which might include couple of nice twists and "eye catchers". Maybe I'll ever try the water effect for the first time, who knows!

I hope she'll meet the expectations...


  1. Meh.. Even your teasers make most other works look bad. :D

  2. Beautiful! If I may make a suggestion - a layered air-brushed deep red / black apocalyptic sky backdrop for the young lady to stand in front of would really set her off!

  3. Thanks for the comments Furinji and zhu bajiee!

    Hmm, post-apocalyptic sky backdrop... That would really ring the right bells, you know. I'll seriously consider using that hint when I'm about to shoot the final pics!

  4. The tonality is looking really good, looking forward to the 'Full Monty' colour pics

  5. Awesome! Is that a free sculpt? If so .. zomg ... if not what minis did you use? If its an original ... any plans to have someone cast it up? Where can we buy one :D

  6. Hi The Lord of Excess! Thank you for your comment! If you check all the "gaga" labeled posts, you'll find out more about this project, eg. its origins.

  7. Looks great! And if you like John Blanche, you should check this place out >> ;-)
