
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Work Space & Ergonomics

Today i TRY to write about something that is also very important part of this hobby, although it is too often  overlooked by hobbyists. The subject is Working Ergonomics.

I have added some pictures from my personal facilities to work as bad examples here. I was inspired by Steve B's brilliant article about importance of proper working light (too often you see people trying to paint in this dark "cave like" enviroment of their rooms with single yellowish light bulb illuminating the space ) Im sure that i will buy that SAME lamp that Steve has very soon!

As my working with these green little men has started to take more and more time, i have been thinking about this stuff more and more lately. My own space is very bad example, since my desk is too low and the lighting is not the best available, the list goes on...

This is my working station...nothing too special just a desk and a stool and that green gym ball...yes i sometimes sit on that=)...iv' been thinking about buying saddle stool since it is said to be good for your back. New Desk would be great too...but im not sure what kind of desk would suit me best..I really need some answers, 'cause i want to built a work space, that would be ergonomic and something that would allow me to work long periods without neck aches and all those nasty stuff;)....

What whould be very COOL and usefull is that, if  all you Professional (or Pro- level) people out there, who are reading our blog here, would care to share us something about you own working habits. If you could tell us how you do it, what kind of eguipment you use, What is important and what's not, you know what im talking about right? You work all day long without breaking your backs;) who's really reading this blog eh? J.B, Steve B. Roman, JRN? maybe...Jess by any chanche?? Kev White??? i don't know

I think this could be very interesting and truly helpfull if you could share something here. If you have anything to say about this, i would be VERY happy.

and then little extra-

Something like a half an year ago Janzki was asking me to show some tools that i use when i sculpt, so here they are finally=)..quite minimal stuff really... some silicon Paint Shapers (i have all the shapes and grades!) i use them 90% of the jars hold the different putty components, some wire, X-acto..glue. Sculptors really dont need that much stuff!!!=)

Oh! and i'v been planning to take new step into digital realm of sculpting too in the near future.. I need to buy new computer, PowerBook i guess and some good Sculpting program MudBox or ZBrush havent decided it yet (nor i have the money needed;) i already have the Wacom tablet...



  1. This is the most tidy working space I've ever seen! Really cool though.

  2. Agreed with Dr.Willet, mine is a complete mess that just wont stay clean.
    I'm not sure about the saddle stool really, I don't know how you work but I tend to sit bent over my desk a lot. I don't think they make any difference unless you actually sit with your back straight (I sit on one all say at work but I'm bent over a lot so I still get the shoulder ache).
    Just a thought, I never tried sitting on one while painting :)

  3. Yeah! Well sculpting is less messy than painting:)
    This blogpost was me, just thinking it loud and im open for opinions.

  4. okkiW: WHAT? :D when I was paintig I cleaned every day my desk .. so it was tidy as yours now.. but now.. omigosh.. you have to see it. Believe it or not, i cant find anything on my desk .. but when i find it, it´s like finding the holy grail :)

    Yesterday I moved to living room there is a smaller table so it will be smaller mess :))

  5. oak desk with edwardian school teachers lid style desk standing on it - i stand to draw and paint - a stool for painting mins - daylight lamp - laptop - swords - flintlocks - old bookcase - oriental rug - french doors on to garden - trees wild life and clouds - i listen to radio 4 most days or cosmology style programmes on i player - i desperately try to avoid clutter but paints paper book and multitasking makes it hard - this desk here is so tidy - most work areas in the industry are a cornucopia of stuff stuff and more stuff ......

  6. oh yes forgot the important bit - own studio - lots of windows and north facing light - two cats ......

  7. My "workspace" is totally packed away. I have super organized storage where I can have small trays of product specific setups and or tools. I only take them out for half an hour of work and stick back in storage. Everyhting stays clean and uncluttered. I love this set up, but of course it's not for everyone.

    I love the feeling of having a clear desk when I start and when I finish.

    I also have an iMac with spotify, great genelec speakers and different chairs to choose for variety.

  8. Thanks for the shout-out to my blog :)

    My personal ergonomics suggestions are to go with a table at around chest height to stop you leaning over too much and hurting your neck and back and to put in a recommendation for saddle stools. I have one at home and it's very nice to sit on :)

  9. I have watched jewellers at work. I think they work with similar setup.

  10. I used to have this portable painting station when I was working in Helsinki and lived in an employee housing. That platform also worked as a baking platform, or infact, that was the real function of the thing. Very useful thing to have when I also had only couple of brief moments to paint. My son has also been very interested in playing with my painting set so cleaning up after each session was a must to avoid major mess.

    Nowadays I have this oak veneer bureau with lockable table top from the early 70's, which works perfectly to my current life situtation. I live in quite a small apartment and don't have my own real workspace to spread out my stuffe. Also, junior is getting more and more active and I really need to keep things locked up.

    I first thought about really investing to my painting spot but now I'd regret it truly; I'm not the tidiest painter and when I need to cut something half, I won't start looking for base to cut on. I pity the 70's vaneer...

    About the ergonomics, the bureau isn't the best choice for your back 'couse of the low level of the table. I also had to make some aligments to my lights so that I didn't have to drill 'em straight to the vaneer. But all in all, I still don't have that much of time to paint so my back ain't getting that sour after all...
