
Friday, February 24, 2012

What about Bile?

It's been very busy in the rat nest lately and not because we've been knee deep in our projects. Hobbytime's been very limited by the many factors thrown at us. This has been in the air I believve...

okkiW got married last weekend (congrats yet again mate, beautiful wedding you had!) in Kemi's Snow Castle. Weekend before that we had a blast getting drunk and shooting arrows at okkiW's stag party in Helsinki - first shooting arrows with the bows and THEN getting wasted, in the name of safety of course...


But now it's time to return in our normal lives with our normal challenges. If you're not totally ignorant, blind and follow our blog at least every now and then, you might have noticed our latest posts regarding some hints from the rat pack's next joint project, Fabius Bile, captain of the Emperor's Children, infamous consummator.

Our plan is to raise our blog on a new level with this project, sharing ALL of our planning, sketching, jargon and ideas with you, in real time, using only blog posting and commenting as our tabula and tool. Your comments, discussions and ideas are more than welcome, we actualy demand them! We want to leech inspiration from your visions and create this project with our trademark quality and passion, along with our great community and its splendid spirit.

Lets begin our glorious journey...


  1. Ok, so we've already drawn some frame Bile to fit in. First of all, the scale's going to around 30 to 34 mm, true scale Adeptus Astartes. Secondly, Bile will be standing on a gaming base. I insisted this one as I want to believe that Cpt. Bile could some day reinforce my Emperor's Children army. Actually that was Mikko's idea, but I didn't resist ;)

  2. Congratulations, okkiW! I hope married life suits you well.

    As for Bile: this should be an excellent project to follow. Have you begun to think about what kind of way you might depict him? Beautiful, Sigvald-like Prince, mutated and perverse abomination? I like the idea of rethinking him completely away from the GW miniature and more warped, given his experiments on himself - it'd be interesting to see the chirurgeon as very much a part of him, perhaps like the new Urien Rackarth's spine-appendages... Perhaps a vision of beautiful perfection from the front with horrific mandibles and appendages and things growing from his spine...

  3. Thank you Fulgrim & izeColt! Teija is a wonderful person who has always understood and supported me in all aspects. She even tries hard to undestand why I have the need to create these little toy soldiers=)


    I see Fabius Bile as towering creature, peak of genetic mutation and perverse imagination. The Chirurgeon will be massive device that supports the dark genius at work. Im afraid that this project will stretch my skills to the maximum and beyond.

    But at this point everything is open, we don't know what will happen, but I know that this will be the coolest thing we have ever produced!

    Also very exited about this open design method.
    Who knows what will happen;)

  4. Good aspects Fulgrim! Making "shockingly" different approach to Jes Goodwin's fantastic version is the key here. Maybe Bile will have beautiful, slim and almost perfect sigvaldian face and the rest of his body and the machines upholding it will be something totally different - like a little planet of chaotic anarchy itself, every little equipment desperately trying to pump life into Bile's mutated and perveted body.

  5. Speaking of equipment, I suggested to okkiW that Bile would be carrying some jars that contain xenos premie and other abominable pieces of "life", something that could interest our experimental dark scientist.

    I've already put some thought to how to build one, but if you guys have any good hints how to approach this sub-project, please let us know!

  6. Radically different, yes but there will still be those specific elements that could not be chanced- Bile will be always carrying the Chirurgeon and he will be Space Marine.

  7. I think the face should be a high point of focus. Like the Mono Lisa, if you can get Bile's smug, self satisfied, superior and mocking smile down, the rest of the model will fall into place with ease.

  8. What if you sculpt Bile's face to look like a leather mask? Little bit like Huron Blackheart, but even more scars and stiches to hold it in form?

  9. Skeller, I'm confident that okkiW will pull out pretty smuggy face.

    Blot, not bad idea but I think we'll stay on more "natural" and slim feel on his facial area. Maybe some face skin on his shoulder bad, eh?

    Btw, just finished Mutie Kul mini and will be posting some shots from 'im. Now I've more time to focus on this project and maybe start sketch something...

  10. Ok, we almost started "cheating" stright from the start. We had a small chat today by phone and ended up talking of Bile. After couple of ideas we both realized that we're not following our plan here and decided to change the subject...

    What we disgussed was Bile's contrast in colour and shape. It's becoming more clear that there will be major contrast not only in shape and feel of his face to his other body but we'll also going to implement this idea in shade and colours too - pale, thin and smooth face versus dark, hideous and bulky armoured body. Now who's with us?
