
Monday, April 30, 2012

Flames Of Destruction

Finally I got this one finished!
I was able to sculpt 90% of this one in just two days but after that I faced some serious problems.
The chain that is fixed to the bomb was really hard to pull off nicely.. So there was a delay but I got it right eventually=)

He is Borvs, a former war criminal and a murderer that saw the light of the Emperor and now only seeks to save his immortal soul by committing the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield.

" My crimes against the Emperor are more horrible than the ones with these heretics that we hunt down, For me, the only way to serve, is to go down in the eternal flames of destruction"


  1. Absolutely marvelous work, I don't know what to say anymore .DDD keep up good work.

  2. I am in shock and awe as I wait in anticipation for Borvs to both be painted and to hit me in the head with his menacing bomb. Congrats are in order as both you and izeColt stole the lime light that I call Sunday Best. Hope you don't mind the shout out on my weekly themed top x. Cheers for sharing and for the inspiration.
