
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rodent On The Road - The Gathering

It was late afternoon, when I arrived at Kari's house yesterday.
The Plan? - Have few beers with my dear rat bro, talk about our future plans with Punk Moth and simply have some fun. This is just a little WIP story for you to see. I think Kari will describe everything more accurately later when the time is right.

 And so we did have some fun and drank few beers! (actually we had more than few beers;) Went to sauna, had some brandy then went to a Pub.

Then came the morning...  with the bloodshot eyes we gathered the little what was left from us, had some strong coffee and decided to start working with the caterpillar phase of the Punk Moth.

We started up with the modular gaming boards. We used polyester plate that we then coated with layer of styrofoam.

After we had the rough shapes ready, we had this crazy idea that we wanted to use Spraypaint to melt the styrofoam surface to get very crude look for the boards. Dirty scenery painting!

The mad scientist doctor izeColt trying out experimental scenery building methods!
We sprayed the very rough looking gaming boards with thick layer of spraypaint and watched it melt. Then, when the surface was still soft. we pressed the surface to create some variation to the surface.

We were very happy with the result, what do you think?

Before it was time for me to leave , Kari wanted to try out how the buildings he had planned would fit to boards.

That was a crazy weekend! This is the reason why I keep doing this stuff. See it's more than these little toy soldiers. It's about creating art, it's about friendship Thank you Kari!


  1. Jealous! I'm solo on all my projects. :/

    Either way, that was a heart warming read. Look forward to more - o and that building is huge.

  2. Hey mate .. sounds like a great afternoons and night ..

    the boards look great even at this stage btw.. like a molten lava board.. very crusty and gnarled.

    You two are talented soloists and a fearsome duo ..

    will there be more to add to the the board .. ?

  3. We are new to this scenery making part of this hobby but together we have two heads figuring out how to do this. There wil be lots of stuff added to the boards later on.
