
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sergi The Slasher

Brother Sergi is the sole survivor of the infamous XVI Penal Battalion. The battalion's last stand was witnessed on the Butcher's Creek, where the convicted troops bought just enough time for the Imperial Navy to make their withdrawal off the Death World known as the Fang, just moments before the whole planet was consumed by the swarming horde of unknown Xenos breed.

After weeks of ineffectual heavy orbital bombarding of the colonized planet in hope of exterminating the unknown alien race, the Imperial Navy made their choice of saving the remnants of the badly beaten colony and evacuating all the personnel off the planet. The XVI Penal Battalion, made-up from the dregs of the Imperial Guard serving the colonization, was sent to shield the Imperial Navy's withdrawal from the harsh planet, while the vile horde of dreadful aliens were over-running the Imperial colony.

It goes without saying that the swarming horde butchered the weakly equipped battalion, who lacked both discipline and courage. While all of his comrades were torn to bloody pieces, Sergi, after being seriously wounded, cunningly played dead in the bottom of pile of his brothers' corpses, hoping that the Xenos wouldn't smell him.

After the slightly succesful withdrawal, the Imperial Navy did their final call and decided to vaporize the thin atmosphere of the small Death World, making sure that the Xenos - and the humans left behind - were to be destroyed.

How Sergi survived the complete destruction of the planet, the records don't tell...

+ Brother Sergi of the XVI Penal Battalion +

"Laurel and Hardy"

Sergi is a cunning personality, whose two-faced nature makes him a very untrusty henchman. But stealthy throatcutter as Sergi is, Inquisitor Cassar has seen much potential in this murderous character, keeping him in a leash of dept.


In Sergi's case I decided to approach the design process more directly than usual, jumping over my traditional sketching and drawing phase, letting the kit-bashing spree go mildly wild. I took my bits box and started fitting the pieces together, having no certain aim in my mind. After a while, bits found each other and the "Spaceman Joe", what Sergi was first called as, was materialized.


  1. Very cool indeed. Really like the way you have painted his face....he looks mean.


    1. Cheers Peter! Sergi is indeed a truly mean bastard :D I'm particularly pleased by the way the face came out, it gives the much needed edge to the Sergi's personality.

  2. I want to read the story of how his right limb became so changed. Those talons do not look natural!

    Super good character with a deserving paint job.

    1. Sorry Dai, no juicy story for the talons. They are there to give some edge to the character, unnatural or not ;)

  3. You are master at your trade. I cannot wait to see the entire retinue together as one.

  4. Strong conversion with very narrative feel.
    I learned his story just by looking at the miniature, before reading anything;)

    Good jobbe mate!!!

  5. Excellent painting and conversion work. Very John Blanche like in style.

  6. Sergi is really nice - John Blanchitsu bits-frenzy conversion and painting!

    Hagard 'Hardy' is still one of the best Nurgle Lord conversions I've seen.

    Inspiring work.

  7. I want more because you create such beautiful pieces...

    And I want less because your output makes me feel inadequate...

    Oh the torment...

    Ha.. Just kidding, thank you for showing us yet another fantastically inspirational piece.

  8. Thanks guys! Your kind words are very much appreciated. Like okkiW said in his previous post's comment section, your encouragements will keep us exceeding the expectations.

  9. Hmm, seems like I am kinda late to the party once again... ;-)

    But still, outstanding work again, izeColt!

    The two models in that group shot are just amazing: a perfect balance between JB's style and a slightly more restrained way of painting. Brilliant!

    You might want to consider building something that really sucks for a change, to make the rest of us feel a little better ;-)

    Keep up the fantastic work!

    1. Thanks KrautScientist! You're just in time :)

      I feel like I've found the style that I'm comfortable working with, the perfect balance between the styles that I adore and the one that has always been part of me.

  10. Another wonderful model. Seeing it in this stage makes it hard to play "spot the bitz" though... Zombie legs, chaos marine head, ghoul right arm, and flagellant right. What about the torso though?

    In any case, a great bitz bash, and a great paint job.

    1. Thanks Lasgunpacker! The head is from the Flagellant kit and the torso is Forge World Renegade's one.

  11. All the models on this site are excellent! Fantastic!

  12. I really like them both! When can we see a new picture of the entire gang together? :)

    1. Thanks Migs!

      The group shot will be taken when the rest of the posse will get back from their little trip to Nottingham, maybe somewhere early next month. I'm also very eager to see how they fit together with these two guys.

  13. WOW!!!!!!
    First time here... dude...your creations are simply amazing!!
    I can smell John Blanche every single miniature, and all of them are full of character, most of them just make me imagine them playing their roles on sci-fi movie from the 80's.
    Congrats again mate on such a very creative and inspiring work!

    1. Many thanks Diego.

      I'm particularly interested in hearing what 80's sci-fi movie(s) are you thinking of :)

  14. another stunner !
    Right now get em all together for one glorious photoshoot and make us all cry with jealousy ;-)
