
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Her Grace The Deaconess Dowager

May I, your humble sculptor of twisted imagenarium of the desolated 40k universe, present to you the third venerable member of the Femmes Imperum series - Her grace The Deaconess Dowager from the Ecclisiarch Hive.

Character once again based of wonderful John Blanche painting. She really challenced me in many ways - The original painting was perfect starting point - Rather tightly cropped image left many details open for the viewer. I started my project using Dark Eldar parts but as you can see, they got pretty much covered under layers and layers of stuff.

I wanted to give her full court dress as I visioned her to be honoured and high ranking official of the Ecclisiarch Hive. So this time I was able to go pretty over the top with the ceremonial dress and the hair peace.

The Deaconess differs from my previous Femmes having more volume around her curves. Total blast to sculpt from start to finish. Hair peace was pain to sculpt but it was totally worth the trouble. OK enough with the words here she comes...

- Mikko


  1. Seriously awesome - very impressed with your sculpt!

  2. Gods...


    Is absolutely, frickin' stunning..!

  3. Jesus mate !

    Thats...seriously mate...


    If she werent that old - Id be in love :)


  4. Wonderful work, as always!
    She's probably my favourite out of the three so far. Absolutely amazing :)

  5. Yet another esoteric looking figure! Although all 3 of the ones you have created thus far are dramatically different, I like the similarities between them. I particularly like the sinister looking barbed lower jaws of your first and this most recent. Each also has a very defining pose that speaks a little of the figure itself, from the jovial waltz of the patron of Nurgle to the limber an lithe stance of the assassin, and finally to the labored gait of noble women consumed by politics and gospel. The gown and elaborate headdress were very well conceived, something that we do not frequently see in the models of the 40k universe. I really like the two-headed eagle (and that the heads are glancing in different directions). I feel the eagle is strong symbol in the Imperium, but one that is too often lost in the models to a sea of skulls. Keep up the great work!

  6. Wow man, this has got to be your best sculpt yet. I love her hair, especially how it snakes around the back, and the heft of her layered gown. The drapery is tight. Just excellent!

  7. Magnificant! Every time better and better, or should I say better to the best ;)

    I have been watching your works since "Captain Gaga" and it is always pleasure to see such progress.

    Keep up good work!!

  8. Totally brilliant. Could you post the image on which she is based?

  9. Fantastic work, especially since this is a kind of design so intrinsically 40k, yet we usually do not get to see much of stuff like it outside of JB's artwork, unfortunately! The hair is marvelous!

    In other news, congrats for making it into WD! A well deserved honur, of course ;)

  10. great work , reminds me of haute couture fashion .

  11. Bloody hells Mikko, that's amazing. Kraut and neil are absolutely correct about her. She did change quite alot but bears her age with grace.

    Congrats on the WD coverage!

  12. Oh my, I absolutely love this sculpt.

    It boasts lots of great detail, foremost the mane of hair (where you somehow managed to get the lines almost perfectly straight), but also the double-headed eagle, mouthpiece, and dress. Not to mention the mind-boggling combination of the cane with *those* shoes.

    Pure genius.

  13. Ever since Mikko first told me about his idea of this femme, I've been very anxiously waiting to see it materialize. Now, there she stands, more glamorous and gorgeus than I could ever imaginate her to be. Well done, rat-bro! Well done!

  14. She's stunning, such an austere lady and a great interpretation of John's painting too.

    Always loved the genetically engineered two headed eagles by the way, very a striking idea, the Imperium modifiying real creatures to fit its emblem.

  15. Thank you guys for your encouraging comments!
    Im really starting to feel that I am slowly finding my "thing" with these Femmes here. With the femmes Imperum my art has reached new heights, so you will see lots of them in the future too ;)

    High heels & deadly curves
    May the Emperor be merciful for me!

  16. Awesome!!!
    Couple of questions.
    What material do you use for sculpting.
    Also, have you thought of videoing your sculpting process? It would be amazing to watch these characters come to life and see what techniques you use to bring these gals to life :)

  17. Mikko - Just two words BLOWN AWAY!

  18. Baby got back!

    Wow Mikko - that is really, really, cool.

    Love the egyptian style beardthingie.

    I really don´t want to come off as a nitpicker, but I know you´re a perfectionist so here goes: the heads of the psybereagle feels a bit on the small side though. For an eagle at least...

    Looking forward to the next one and to see them painted!

    1. Thanks!
      You got point there - Maybe I should go back to adjust them heads a bit;)
      Constructive criticism is always welcomed my friend.

    2. That's what we do best!

      It's probably enough to fix one head - i suggest the vulture head from the ogre thundertusk - a little assymetry could actually just make it cooler.

    3. Oh - another thing - the pompadour is such a vast expanse of hair. One might want to brake it up with a small imperial aquila or something?

  19. art reveal soon - perhaps ....

    1. Great news indeed. Loved the recent sketchbook shot on Gothicpunk by the way, the texture, quality of light and mystic atmosphere of it all.

  20. whilst you have a point jeff im comfortable with the raptors small head - it could be distracting next to the duchess's face and certainly does not have to be anchored in the reality of fauna in this space and tyme - good contrast in size between the two - and i like the hair plain - maybe the paint job will break the immensity of it up - on the whole it looks rather slavic which is good in mi books - what i would change is ditch the sunburst on hair top as the flow from the eagle across her head is a good line of energy .... the hair gives it an almost confrontation/necromunda feel - an interesting thing which just might see this femme painted first ....
