Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rodent On The Road - The Gathering

It was late afternoon, when I arrived at Kari's house yesterday.
The Plan? - Have few beers with my dear rat bro, talk about our future plans with Punk Moth and simply have some fun. This is just a little WIP story for you to see. I think Kari will describe everything more accurately later when the time is right.

 And so we did have some fun and drank few beers! (actually we had more than few beers;) Went to sauna, had some brandy then went to a Pub.

Then came the morning...  with the bloodshot eyes we gathered the little what was left from us, had some strong coffee and decided to start working with the caterpillar phase of the Punk Moth.

We started up with the modular gaming boards. We used polyester plate that we then coated with layer of styrofoam.

After we had the rough shapes ready, we had this crazy idea that we wanted to use Spraypaint to melt the styrofoam surface to get very crude look for the boards. Dirty scenery painting!

The mad scientist doctor izeColt trying out experimental scenery building methods!
We sprayed the very rough looking gaming boards with thick layer of spraypaint and watched it melt. Then, when the surface was still soft. we pressed the surface to create some variation to the surface.

We were very happy with the result, what do you think?

Before it was time for me to leave , Kari wanted to try out how the buildings he had planned would fit to boards.

That was a crazy weekend! This is the reason why I keep doing this stuff. See it's more than these little toy soldiers. It's about creating art, it's about friendship Thank you Kari!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Inquisitor Marius Cassar And The Retinue

Muscle reflex made the dead body twitch like if the Death had made his last puppet play with the corpse before taking the remaining sparks of life away from it. Deadly wound on the side of the guardsman - ripped open by Cassar's less smoothly exiting rapier - oozed steaming warm blood, moistening the ground beneath it and darkening the small curb with a red shadow.

Pair of eyes, nailed deep in the pale face of Cassar, stared at the dead body with frighteningly passionate glow in them. Feel of pleasure filled every cell in his body.

Cassar's mind was still going through the last couple of moments, savoring every bit of it, analyzing his and his opponents every move and decision made. Every intense breath he took pumped a doze of adrenaline up to the surface, making the thrill of struggle slowly fading away.

For Cassar it had barely been 'a struggle', more like a short deadly waltz that had ended perhaps a bit too soon for his liking. He wanted more of it and soon...


+ Inquisitor Marius Cassar +

Hoozah! So here's the jewel of the crown, head of my INQ28 posse, Inquisitor Marius Cassar, the rotter and the burden of the Imperial Inquisition. This was another amazing project to complete, full of great vibes and successes.

In couple of situations I was bit of charmed by the luck, that I must admit. When I started painting Cassar's coat, I really had no plan for what it should look like. I decided to trust my instict and just mix paints and see what fits together. Brown-purplish leather coat looked like out of place, but after I used some red and orange inks the result ended up looking pretty cool. Overall I was really pleased how it came out.

Finally it is time for another merry groupshot. Meet the gang with their leader on their side...

Inquisitor Marius Cassar and the inglorious Rogues Malus.

While we're waiting for okkiW to finish his group, it is time for me to move on to the next phase of the Punk Moth project, the caterpillar. I've already gathered a nice pile of building bits and arsenal to start designing my part of the gaming table. This is totally new area for me and I'm very excited to see what I'll be able to pull out.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Inquisitor Cassar WIP III

Yeah dudes! I'm on a spree here! Without any doubts I started painting Inquisitor Cassar, trusting my intuition and choosing colours on the fly, being elemental...

Pretty pale colours, have to admit. That was actually my only plan when restricting the palette of colours. Warm red will give a nice contrast to white skin and brown-purplish leather coat.

Inquisitor Cassar WIP II

I'm pretty pleased by how I've been improving my greentuffin' skills lately. I was able to work out some fine details this time, thanks to some of my new sculpting tools. The one thing that I was particularly afraid to sculpt was the coat as I've never done anything like stiff cloth/leather before, but I think I pulled it out pretty well.

Hope I can get him primed today so that I can finally start applying some paint...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Inquisitor Cassar WIP I

I received my precious little package of bits from the UK this week. After inventoring the bits I decided to start building my next grande project, Inquisitor Cassar.

Here's the results so far...

Weekend well spent, so to speak. Never the less, I'm quite satisfied by the outcome so far. I'm not sure if I'll be arming his left hand with a sword or a gun. What do you think?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Punk Moth WIP - The Twinz

The twins are now basecoated & ready for painting. I used the trusty ol' zenithal highlight technique again. I love this style of basecoating, since it shows the direction of the light nicely right from the start.

Basing was done using "JB" method - Baking soda & fine sand. That method leaves the base quite minimal but allows more room for the miniature to "breathe" - my other favorite technique =) (just take a look any of Mr. Blanche's amazing miniatures and you understand what I am talking about) Nicodemus is there for size comparison.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Inquisitorial Archives: Skullhopperre II

Skullhopperre II

Operation Punk Moth keeps thickening. Had some weird wormhole attacking to my schedules and this thing came out of my head. The Imperial Inquisition has been documenting and investigating Inquisitor Cassar's doings for many years.

The hunt is about to begin...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Twins - Retinue Completed

Whoa! this thing grew epic. I had to mount him on bigger 40mm round base to make him fit. I think these brothers will out-shadow my Inquisitor but that's just the unexpected direction where I want to go.

The Project Punk Moth's phase one -  The Egg Stage - is now almost in it's end. Only the Inquisitors are missing anymore. Im quite happy that we start to work on those Inquisitors at the same time with Kari. It will be "The Grande Finale" of this first phase.

Can't wait to start painting these guys,)!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Akvarelli IX

Here's a new drawing I made today, inspired by our Punk Moth project. I won't reveal any details at this moment and just leave this one here...

(water colours, acrylics and inks)