Sunday, January 27, 2013

Detour Project - Pietr Bucis

While scouring my box-o-bits for some pieces for my true-scale Red Corsair project, I found this cool Space Wolves Astartes head that I had planned to use in some of my projects. While giving it a closer look I suddenly had a pretty clear vision of what I'd like to do with it. Before I even realized it, I had put together a quite simple yet pretty nice looking kit-bash composition, which only needed some paint on its surface..

So I decided to put my other projects on the side, take a little detour and have a quick painting session...

Ritterman Pietr Bucis

The Ritterman took me good one and a half evenings to finish, which is pretty fast in my standards. I'm relative satisfied by the result, even though it had been some time since the last time I had picked up a brush. I gave the base some extra effort and tried to emulate the effect J.B. uses in his bases.

This detour was very much welcome. I found some new spirit to go for my ongoing projects. I'm quite sure this gave me that much needed momentum and will kick the Punk Moth's Caterpillar phase in to some serious movement.


  1. He looks absolutely great, very JB in execution too.


  2. Very nice and yes, the base is a very Blanche-esque tribute.

  3. Excellent looking model! His face was an good choice, and the painting of it really draws out his likely troubled trying life. I like his checkered pants and long boots (necessary to wade through all that grim :) ).

  4. Fantastic. Such bold actions are really the most satisfying moments in the hobby. Chop, crop, glue, paint.

  5. I've been stalled on painting progress for over a week . . . perhaps I should take a leaf from you book and just do something else...

    1. Try it! I'm quite sure you won't regret it. But remember to keep it simple and "hasty", otherwise you'll end up having just another painting project that'll increase the load, rather than giving you the break.

  6. Simple, yet full of character.

    The base does look very nice, really gives the piece a feel of the setting.

    I found myself more drawn to the script-work you had painted on all the trinkets upon his waist and those checkers are fantastic.

    Thanks for the inspiration, I need to kick myself out of my hobby slump.

  7. The fact that this is what you come up with after a "quite simple kitbash solution" and a "quick painting session" is truly disheartening to the rest of us, mate ;-)

    Apart from that, marvelous work, as usual!

  8. Wow, very nice. I love the pale, worsted flesh effect. May I ask how you achieve that? It would be perfect for some forlorn dwarves I'm working on.

    Also, any tips on how to get that fantastic base effect woul be welcome too!

    Keep it up, man!

    1. Mix Elf Flesh (don't remember what it is called nowadays) and white and add a hint of light gray in to the mix to break the tone. After painting the skin, give it a light brown wash, maybe adding a bit of Devlan Mud in it. Make the highlights and add some red ink in the shades (very lightly). I sometimes use grayish blue to really boost the dark areas, but didn't do it in this case. Finally add some thin coats of the original mixture of Elf Flesh and white (+light gray). This will give a nice balance for the highlights and shadows.

    2. Oh, and for the base, well, glue (marginally) sand and baking soda on the base. Paint the sand/baking soda with greenish colours (with brown undercoat) and the base area with red and brown inks (with yellowish undercoat). Use matt varnish for the sandy areas, gloss varnish for the base areas.

    3. Thanks! That's really helpful!

  9. Truly wonderful! You guys are always so inspiring and the projects you come up with are continuously amazing. I hope you will be able to display some of the projects in the Helsinki GW so I can have a closer look.

    The tiny aquillas on the base are a really cool touch!

    1. Mikko will probably be displaying Pherion and his retinue in Helsinki GW at some point...

  10. Absolutely brilliant. An evening and a half! How is it the best painters do it so quickly?

    I really do like this one and I am looking forward to one of those non project models myself, it has been too long. But looks like Fulgrim has booked me up until August.

  11. Ben, Dave, Dai, Godwyn, Jakob, The Responsible One, Stygianheart, Stefan, Mattias, Alexander and Peter, thank you very much for your comments!

  12. I lament my lack of ability to paint! Excellent figure.

  13. Excellent work. The close up shot is illuminating...
