"Burn. Burn the ship. Burn the pathetic weaklings with it, alive."
So this is it, my next
"grande" project - a
true scale Adeptus Astartes. Actually I'm talking about making a bunch of them, three renegade
Red Corsair Astartes to be exact. With power hooks, eye-patches and fiery red armours... Yarrr!
The idea of making a true scale Space Marine has been lurking in my mind ever since I finished the first Horus Heresy book. It was
Migsula's fantastic Alpha Legionnaire that gave me the spark to start this project. I'm quite sure that my Astartes will have a lot in common with them, what comes to the shape, size and the overall feeling of them (or at least that's where I am aiming to), after all, they have inspired me a lot ever since I first ran into them.
So once again I grabbed a pencil and started sketching...
Champion of the Fleet (black ink pencil) |
My main goal was to try to render the hulking embodiment of an Astartes the way I see it. The armour is very bulky, worn and scattered with trophies and ancient liturgies. The head is like a small pin, a pinnacle that
over-emphasizes the magnificent frame of the Astartes. The massive fur coat rims the figure, making the warrior look like a barbarian of the far future, something that I've always thought that the Astartes fundamentally were.
With this visual reference I've started gathering the bits that I would be needing to get as close to this vision as possible. I hope that I'll soon have something relevant to show to you, as I'm more than eager to put the pieces together!